Sunday, March 25, 2007

Places to find local accountability

Places to find local accountability:

The first place to look is your local church. If you feel comfortable talking with your pastor or elders in the church, and they are very confidential and loving, that's a great place to find it.

- Do NOT go to your local church/pastor/leaders if they or others in your church are judgmental, critical, gossiping, etc. concerning sexual sins

. - A good indicator:
If women that are divorced, or commit adultry in your church are treated "differently", don't take this problem to the local church.

- This is b/c those people will probably ruin your reputation. Then you may feel extremely rejected and that cause you to completely withdraw into isolation. As a result, you may not open up for years with another person, and it will delay the healing process.

If you can't find grace and compassion in your own local church, find a Christian Bible-based recovery group. Perferably, it should directly address sexual issues. However, even regular recovery groups may have sexually pure guys willing and able to be an accountability partner in these sexual areas.

There are several places to find recovery groups in your area:
- Go to: and surf around until you find groups in your state/area.

- Go to: and enter your zipcode, click okay, and see if there are any groups near by. ***Note: If there are no groups, contact the christian counselors in your area reccomended under everymansbattle's website. For contact info for groups and counselors you will have to call Toll Free: 1-800-NEW-LIFE

- Go to: and click on your state. Contact each exodus ministry in your area.

***Note: Exodus international is a refferal ministry for ALL sexual sin issues, not just homosexuality. They know about virtually ALL sexual support groups in your area. Plus, they may have FREE counseling available to Straight guys struggling with porn related issues

- Go to: enter your zipcode, click okay, and it will give you a listing of all types of recovery programs in your area.

- If all else fails, go to the Promise Keepers website and find a group there. 60% of the men that have attended a promise keepers conference admited to having problems looking at internet porn. Therefore, you'll probably find guys willing to help in local PK programs, if you can't find anything else locally.

Create Your own Group: Here's an article on how to start your own accountability group:

Here are a few places I know of so far for Online Accountabilty

Crosswalk Men's Personal Issues subforum:
- Ask for accountability online here from other Christian guys. (Be careful, these forums are viewable by anyone online and are even in indexed by google. So, don't post any identifyable information you don't want others to know.)

Every Mans Battle forums:
- Ask for accountability here from other Christian guys struggling with sexual sin issues. (This forum is only readable by registered viewers)

Fred Stoeker Forums:
- Discuss topics from any Every Mans Series book (Viewable to anyone online, male & female discussions)

X3 Church Forums:
- Ask for accountability here from other Christian guys (Be careful. The people in this forums are not always Christian, and not always sexually pure. Specifically ask for porn free Christians that are not currently practicing sexual sin.)

[Teens Only] Forums:

[Strugglers Only] Forums:

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